Induction Skype Session

This afternoon was spent with my first skype session in relation to my study on the BAPP ACI with the focus on 'Induction'. This discussion covered introduction to the logistics of UniHub, Blog/Skype sessions & communication with supervisors on advice and guidance throughout the programme.

With the course commencing tomorrow (Monday 17th September 2018), I was excited to learn more about my journey and grateful to be given the opportunity to ask questions and discuss any concerns I had early in the programme. Skype was a new experience for me as it is not an application I had previously used, but following the session I feel more confident with its interface and how it can be used to maintain communication.

The session began with introduction to UniHub covering the academic calendar, highlighting upcoming skype sessions and deadline dates for work submissions. This is something I must ensure to cross reference within my own work schedule to ensure that I can plan my time management of the course effectively whilst ensuring to meet the needs of my own professional practice. For me, working six days a week as a course leader and teacher at a college, juggling family life with a two year old daughter and running my own performing arts Saturday school means that management is something that has to be implemented into daily life, therefore I have spent the afternoon ensuring that all my commitments can be met and executed to the best of my ability....Fingers crossed! Module Handbooks, Form Templates and the Submission Portal were also discussed and skype allowed for this to be highlighted through visual demonstration from the discussion leader, Helen Kindred.

The sessions left me feeling confident and excited to commence my study. It was great to be joined by fellow students who were either commencing at the same time as me, or part way through their course and to hear there questions; I look forward to hearing about their journeys and sharing ideas through our blogs. The session helped my confidence in using both Skype and this blog as method of reflection and communication, and gave me a clear structure to my next steps on the course.

My next steps are to read through the module one hand book again and digest the information, being aware that this handbook may be used regularly throughout the course of the module. I must also complete the 'Study Plan Form' which can be used as a point of reference for my one to one skype session with Adesola Akinleye which I have this Thursday.

And we're off!!


  1. Glad to hear you enjoyed your first Skype! I've never been the best at "Multi-Tasking" but now I can attend an online session, jot down notes and eat a lunch all at the same time! :)

    1. Thanks Matt, great to hear that the multi-tasking element is achievable!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Ryan, I hope all is going well with your study.

  3. Nice reflective blog at the start of your journey. I went to Italia Conti Associate School when I was younger (Chislehurst), lovely to hear of your successes too.


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