Back at go!

Though I am confident with the work I've produced and have ensured to put my all into the module, I felt the nerves as I went to hit the upload button into to 'TurnItIn' on my laptop. Have I done enough? Did I double check a certain part? The process took me right back to a number of years ago during my training when it came to assessments and performances. Wanting to ensure that I had done the best that I could do and prepare myself as much as I could. Inevitably, all I can do now is wait and see how the work does using constructive feedback given to improve my work on the rest of the programme.

Through the module I have looked a lot into cycles and how they are used to review and develop the understanding of my practice. Looking at my journey on the programme reminds me of a game of monopoly. I have started Module One on the cycle and have stopped at various different destinations, gaining a wealth of knowledge and understanding at each stop that I am able to take with me in future. Now I am back at 'go' again and waiting to start my next cycle, this time with more understanding of each place previously visited behind me which can hopefully help me build on my acquired knowledge and let it grow.

I now wish to use this time before we start the next module to look at and review what I have learnt during the course of this module. Peeling away at my practice has not only helped me to identify the various elements that create it, but has allowed me to see how the different parts all benefit each other and I believe this has benefitted my practice in a positive way.


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