Building on what I have discovered

Last night I was involved in a twilight Skype session led by Helen Kindred which was open to all modules. It was great to reconnect and to hear people's thoughts and questions with regards to the different places we are all at within the programme. I particularly enjoyed hearing from people regarding reading and literature as that is a place within Module Two that I am currently in. Opening myself up to as many different types of materials and resources that I can to find more information around gender particularly at the moment looking at gender equality not only in my practice but even wider.

I am also getting my head around different types of research, particularly the idea of qualitive research in comparison to quantitative which is highlighted and discussed in the module handbook. I'll be honest in admitted that I had never thought about research in this way and that there were different types so it has been great to open my eyes to this and to take on board the programme that we are studying and how not looking for an answer can progress my understanding...a point that was brought up in Module One when looking into my professional practice and is very much applicable now.

With this idea of feeding my acquired knowledge through each module and building on what I have discovered previously, my aim is to look at my diagram and take all the elements of my practice and apply my topic of gender to the different elements to find further discussion or discourse of how my topic influences, affects or places obstacles each individual part to further understand and connect my topic of inquiry with my professional practice.

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  1. Lovely blog, I feel totally in the same boat as you. Gender equality is a fascinating topic, is this in the specifics of theatre or dance?

    1. A little sometime I wrote for Module 1:

      Gender Roles within Theatre

      Are women being excluded from the stage on purpose? Are writers unable to express themselves in the conform of a 50/50 split? Is it down to writers to equally present male and female roles or does it matter which gender we cast?

      According to Purple Seven, women only account for “39% of actors, 36% of directors and 28% of writers of plays” and only 13% that control the budget for the Arts Council England (ACE)

      Julia Pascal, a famous theatre director and writer, the first female director at the National Theatre, London states that “The exclusion of women from equal employment at all levels flouts both civil and human rights.”

      Within my practice I write plays, I feel it is my duty to proactively write strong roles for women within my work. I encourage gender equality within my practice but I feel the necessity to work within the realms of realism. I work with what I am presented with and am not in a position to question or judge based on the gender in front of me. Physically and emotionally the form it which it is possessed is irrelevant to much of my work, it is the underlying themes and messages that embody a character rather than gender which enables artistic creation to thrive within my practice.

    2. Hi Jess,
      Thank you for your comment and for sharing the post that you wrote on your blog. I am reading a lot on Julia Pascal at the moment and the national theatre's gender equality statement is a big part of my research that I am planning so it's great that this is something that you have read too.

      Hope all is going well with your study.


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