Planning my Holiday

Last week I was part of a Skype call with a Module Two focus led by Adesola Akinyleye. It was great to discuss thoughts and ideas with everyone as I feel at the moment I have a lot of ideas but am struggling a lot with finding the appropriate way to explore and immerse myself into them. Concerned that I would be going round in circles, this Skype call and it's topics came at the perfect time to help me.

Adesola explained that the actual process of conducting your enquiry happens in Module Three. She used the idea that Module Two is like planning a holiday, gathering everything you need and putting everything in place ready to enjoy the limited time that you have in the destination and get the most out of it.

She also explained that it is important when creating your plan to ensure you open your eyes to everything around and not become too specific in you planning as this can hinder what you discover. If you are going out with the intention to visit one specific landmark on your holiday, that is all your find. Whereas if you are aware that the landmark is there but explore and wonder more you are likely to discover things that you would never know you would come across.

I have two or three ideas for my inquiry and all are areas that were highlighted from my work in Module One and link with both my professional practice and current discourses within my field. Though I am confident with the ideas, following the Skype call I am aware that I am already too specific in its 'question' and need to step back and explore the area and topic a bit more, applying the idea of exploring in my areas more.

We also discussed different forms of research. It was highlighted that interview was a strong form of research but we were challenged to think of any others, especially those that were linked with out professional practice. I found this particularly thought provoking and still something I am thinking about and explore within my practice. What research can I see or discover around me that is less conventional or obvious? I am interested to hear others thoughts on different types of research that they have discovered or use.

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  1. I'm going to be looking into forms of observational research. It's something I do often in my current practice, however, never before have I considered it research. I will be finding ways to incorporate it into this project.

  2. Hi Charlie, thanks for your comment. Observational research is definitely something I am going to look into too, thanks for the tip. Hope all is going well.


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