Diving Back In

And we're back!

After a great break I am excited to get back into working on the programme and looking into Module Two. The study break has allowed me space to reflect over what I have discovered and learnt about my professional practice over the first module and inspired me to find areas that I can look further into which I hope will help me as I progress.

I was pleased with my Module One feedback and felt relieved to know that I was on the right track with it all. I was also given some great advice on how I can develop and improve my thoughts within my future work. This is something I have spent time thinking about since receiving my feedback and am ensuring to take this advice throughout the rest of the programme.

The process of peeling away at my practice produced quite a vast amount of different experiences that I have encountered and how they have all contributed towards my current professional practice. Though I saw this as a positive within the first module as it allowed me a large amount of subject matter to discuss and look into, my next steps are to look closer into specific and most relevant areas of my practice that have the biggest influence on me and how I conduct myself within the work that I do. I am hoping this will help me when looking into an enquiry proposal for module two, particularly with regards to current discourses.

I am interested how everyone else is approaching the beginning of their modules and if anyone has any further thoughts or ideas on how to get the best out of their work...

Photo source: www.habitatbonaire.com/diving


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