Adding the layers

Over the past two weeks I have gone over my inquiry proposal many times. The handbook states to address the Module work in a 'cycle', revisiting the plan and adding different things as you re visit. I see this as the opposite approach to that of Module One where we were encouraged to 'peel away' at our practice to discover elements, with this I feel as if every time I approach am adding more and more layers to it. It is my hope that by adding this it will create more depth to the inquiry.

An area I have really pushed over the past few weeks is confidence in my specificity. It is interesting because within my own professional practice I ask students to create assessment work, much of which is cased on a stimulus or motif. I always encourage student to make informed choices and be confident in the detail that they are adding to their work. Though I was happy with some feedback from my draft essay, I was very aware even when submitting it that it was very generalised and didn't give a detailed insight into what I wanted to inquire about.

Therefore I have really worked on adding specificity to my plan and committed to making a choice and informed decisions into what I am doing. As I have been reading it over the past few weeks I am becoming more and more confident with my work from making these choices, and noticing that it is inspiring and opening more avenues for me to discover new things that add to my inquiry as I go.

I am interested to hear how others have developed their inquiry plans over the coming weeks and if anyone else has struggled with making choices within the practicalities of the inquiry proposal.

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  1. Thank you for this blog, it has given me the motivation to start finalising my plan today. I am aware of sections in my plan that I need to re-word and honestly I have been putting it off as I'm on the edge of my word count as it is. Today I remembered something Adesola said on a call once, to share our work and get family or friends to read it. That will be a good test of if it makes sense and if we have explained the practicalities well enough.

  2. Hi Andrew, good to read your blog. And great to also read Charlie her response! I have also shared my work with colleagues and friends (and you Charlie!) and it was really interesting to hear the response from others. Often they had suggestions of films or things my work reminded them off, which helped me a lot with my literature review to look into that side more. I hope you managed to submit your inquiry and you are happy with it!


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