And just like that...

And just like that...I am in my final Module of the BAPP ACI programme.

I have enjoyed having some time away from study, head space and opportunity to think further about the work that I am doing and my inquiry.

I was happy with the feedback I received from my inquiry proposal, and as a pose to responding quickly to the questions Adesola asked me to comment on for the beginning of Module Three, I kept the questions in the fore front of my mind and used them to think further within my social surroundings and work over the longevity of the summer.

I found this extremely beneficial. I am still very confident with the majority of my inquiry and happy with the plan I made, though I have been able to dig deeper within my own thought process over the elements and unlock experiences and ideas that I have encountered within my own past that I believe add depth and strength to the points I am discussing and exploring.

The space has also allowed me to think back to why I chose my inquiry. A question that I would encourage all others on the programme to go back to and think about. I have found that it becomes easy at times to get carried away and whilst brainstorming and delving deep into the topic it can become very cluttered and full of ideas that are all relatable though slightly dilute and misguide the true nature of the topic and your inspiration behind it. After honing in on this inspiration I have become more rooted in what questions I am asking whilst still being able to keep an open mind into the answers that I may receive and where these will take me.

Adesola previously described our inquiry as a holiday and Module Two as the planning. Right now, I feel a little anxious about my flight, but my bag is packed and I have the factor 50 sun cream ready for the journey Module Three will take me on!

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  1. A great blog. Module 3 here we come. Looking forward to our discussions to come. Charlie s

    1. Thanks Charlie, great to hear from you. Have a great Module Three! Sure I will be speaking to you soon.


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