Stage One

I won't lie, this week has been a whirlwind! With a lot going on within my work and personal life it has been tricky to fit everything in. Planning has been essential. At the beginning of this module Adesola sent across the study plan I created at the beginning of my study in Module One. It was great to read this as it was a reminder of the planning I made to integrate my study into my schedule. Since completing this a year ago, my schedule within my work and personal life has changed. Therefore I have completed the study plan again for my own reference taking into consideration the change in commitments that I now have, also looking at the Gant Chart that I created in Module Two and using these both in conjunction to schedule my inquiry process effectively.

My main focus this week has been following Stage One within the Module Three handbook, below is a list of topics that I have been completing in in relation to following this stage;
  • Reviewing my previously created inquiry plan
  • Reviewing my previously completed MORE form
  • Thinking further about the feedback received from my supervisor from module two
  • Reminding myself of the theoretical framework I am using for my inquiry
  • Thinking about any ethical considerations I have encountered already 
Following my Gant Chart created in my proposal from Module Two, I have also used this time to look over my literature review and start getting stuck into the chosen literature that I have found in relation to my inquiry topic. 

I found it extremely helpful to look at this literature review after having the summer away from study, having all the literature their in front of me mapped out made it extremely easy to remind myself of the varying literature I had found that I feel will help my inquiry. 

Though it's been a hectic week, I have really taken time to review my proposal, ensuring that I am honouring the approved plan and following my submitted MORE form. Reviewing this plan has really helped me in structuring and timelining the work ahead in more detail, working out exactly what days I can study and use this time effectively. 

I am interested to hear how others are getting on after their first week of study...

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  1. Thanks for sharing this, I have been reviewing all my work from module two! I have found revisiting my more form really helpful.
    From Millie x

  2. I have also had one of those weeks. I wanted to start with a bang, but its been more of a quiet pop!! I have some work to do changing my data collection methods but am positive that it has given me new directions to look in.


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