My visit to MDX University - Part One: Hendon Campus

Yesterday I attended the 'Queering The Somatic' Symposium at Middlesex University. An event that brought together contributions from people encouraging us to think about re-imagining a world without limitations and binaries, all explored through the lens of movement and the body.
Not only was this my first symposium, it was also the first time I had been to the Middlesex University campus. I was extremely excited to hear the views of others around this topic but also to put an image to the names discussed regarding the campus itself. It was also a pleasure to meet Adesola and Helen in person.

It was very exciting to set foot on the campus. I arrived early to the event to allow time for me to wonder around and take in the feel of the campus. I was able to visit many areas discussed through blogs and skype discussions, specifically the library and theatre, areas that I felt were important locations to my journey on the BAPP programme. Though I hadn't ever visited them, I had an image of what they were like in my head. Similar to that when you read a novel and you create this vision of how you view specific elements of locations and architecture.

The relationship between my vision of the campus and how it actually looked in 'real life' made me think further about our perception of something. How we create an image of how something looks in our head through others explanation of it and our own imagination. But it is only when we venture there ourselves and experience it are we able to not only make a better picture of how it looks, but also a more accurate interpetation of our views and place in relation to it.

As someone on the distance learnign course, I have always felt very connected with others through blogs, skype talks and consistent use of the handbook, but visiting the university gave a completely different feel. The physically venture through the buildings and spaces amongst others on the same journey gave much fuller understanding of previous conversation, being able to discuss my own expereince. Similar to that of experiential learning within my practice.

For anyone on the distance learning course I would really recommend a visit to the campus as it was a trip that really gave great meaning to the community that we share the programme with.

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