My visit to MDX University - Part Two: Queering The Somatic

Yesterday I was able to visit Middlesex University campus and to hear views and experiences from a wide range of people around the idea of re-imagining a world without limitation and binaries, all discussed through the lens of dance and movement of the body.

Adesola and Helen welcomed everyone and expressed the words 'Family' and 'Kindness'. Adesola eplained how sometimes we may not always agree with each other and that this leads to the possiblity of questioning and discovering more, though kindness is an integral parts of we respect the active process of understanding someone's journey. It's through this that one is able to challenge and question their own views on things and learn more.

Key note speaker, Dr. Thomas K. DeFrantz opened with a piece of movement. DeFrantz discussed the idea that queer somoatic is not available to everyone. A sentence that then resonated to me was his view of opening up access to those that want to move queer and how this is facilitated. How can we participate in queer? How do you feel? How do you know how you feel? All questions that challenged my thinknig on how to approach queer movement and its place and representation to others, looking into ethical considerations and appreciation of what queer stands for and represents to others.

Anna Martine Whitehead is a transdisciplinary performance artist who is interested in the body as a material. I was particularly move by her passion and discussion into moving through space. A specific comment that resonates with me is Whitehead's statement,

"We all know something about containment, so we all know something about freedom" (Whitehead, 2019, Queering The Somatic Conference)

This specific comment challenging my thinking in relation to my inquiry. Much discussion I have looked into over transgender discusses the idea of feeling trapped and contained and how the journey of transition has given them freedom. I saw a relationship to this and the idea of freedom of movement and that the more space we are given the more we are able to express ourselves and move in the way which we feel.

Much discussion was also made into architecture. Sam Causer took us through Jane Austin's house. Looking at the ways in which the building had been changed over the years. Within some images of the house it was interesting to see that as it had been re-imagined and changed over the years its previous life had be shown within the building in the form of filled in door and window frames. It was discussed how beautiful it was that this building was not ashamed of it's life and was wearing its journey.

There were many other inspirational talks from others who had much to discuss. All of which allowed me more to think about within my inquiry. A thought I am thinking about more from the symposium is one that was shared during a final reflection session, the idea of how to re-determine space by re-defining ourselves.


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