Giving Me More To Think About

Following my draft submission of my Module One work to course leader Adesola, I have received my formative feedback and was able to have a one to one Skype session with her to talk through her comments and elaborate on improvements I can make to the work I have produced.

The main thing I took from the discussion was my thoughts on ensuring that the work I am producing is unbiased with relation to my theories. I was concerned with how my own ethical considerations on areas of my professional practice would affect how I discuss certain areas, and create the impression of a biased opinion. Adesola put my mind at rest by explaining that as long as we ensure that we are stating within our work that theories are our opinion and have been accumulated through some form of experience then this creates an unbiased comment, purely as we have sufficient evidence of experience to support it. She also explained that it is often these theories and comments that inspire or challenges thoughts of others who may not share the same view.

I have read many others blogs over the past few days and there are some interesting posts regarding ethical considerations, particularly on how they affect our views on research. Do we already know what information we are searching for? Does our own background influence what elements of research found that we focus on?

As the final submission date approaches, the feedback received has allowed me to jump back onto the learning cycle with someone else's thoughts to add to my own reflection. The session has inspired me to rethink the structure of how I have laid out my essay, and also to create a three dimensional version of my diagram that will hopefully further my understanding of my practice see the links between all my areas more clearly.


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