Stepping Back For A Second

This morning I submitted the first draft of my Module One work to Adesola to receive some formative feedback on what I have put together. Over the past weeks I have spent time fully engaging with the tasks outlined in the handbook and using these to peel away my practice and delve further into each element to gain a better understanding. Creating a diagram which can be used to show links within my practice and discuss theories, influences and artefacts that are relative to my practice and how these can influence discourses.

Submitting my work was slightly nerve wracking, yet also reassuring that the elements I have been constructing and the research and thinking I have been doing will be looked over by someone who can give some advice as to whether I am on the right track with it all and provide constructive feedback of how to improve my discovery and still give me time to develop it.

Inspired by a recent post on Adesola's blog that discussed our approach to research and the ethical considerations that affect what we are looking for, I endeavour to use the next few days to challenge my own opinions topics with my professional practice.

Is our research unbiased?

Are we searching for something that we already know is there?

To establish this I am going to take a step back from actively researching and using my observations to listen to others around me more. Using this headspace, I endeavour to find new ideas that are linked with my professional practice that I have not yet considered and have no knowledge as to whether there is discussion into this already out there for me to find.

I aim to then take the feedback given from my Module One work draft submission, and develop the points given along with any new conversation that has become apparent whilst stepping back from searching for things to discuss.


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