Eyes Wide Open

Within my inquiry process I have been looking into literature, discussions, experiences and research into the landscape of gender and how it manifests within theatre.

I would define myself as someone who likes to absorb my surroundings and promotes experiential learning, though I have found it very interesting how much information I have seen regarding gender over the past 6 months as I delve deeper into the topic of my inquiry. This is discussion and external discourse that concerns my topic of inquiry that I have never noticed before. This has made me think further about how I take in situations around me.

Has the BAPP experience opened my eyes to more varying surroundings?

Were external discourses surrounding my topic always there? 

Are there more discourses in my life that I don't see because I am not aware of them?

Discourses such as a recent social backlash within the media in response to a comment made by a news reporter on an American TV show in regards to a young member of the royal family participating in ballet classes at his school has sparked a response from dance professionals to promote gender quality within theatre through dance;


Opening my eyes wider has also allowed me to see how these discourses connect with me and the links it has with my professional practice. This is a thought I am still exploring and has really challenged me within my practice to open my eyes wider and see all my surroundings. 

Photo source; https://wallpapercave.com/wp/8ADxSIP.jpg


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