
This evening's Skype had a Module Three focus and a conversation I found particularly beneficial. It was great to share the call with both Adesola and Helen, and share discussion with others that were at the same point as me within the BAPP programme.

I was particularly keen to discuss triangulation, as this is the method I have chosen to use to analyse my data with. Though I have conducted research into this method and have an understanding, it was great to discuss this further with the group.

Adesola explained how the analogy of a triangle is a good way to view the triangulation process. With three sides all connected, the frame of the shape becomes sturdy and if you were to push or challenge one of the sides of the triangle it would be unlikely to collapse. Whereas a shape such as a square with its four sides is not such a robust structure and therefore easy to collapse. In relation to my inquiry, this resonated that triangulating my data will create a stronger structure to my research. The fear with looking at two pieces of data next to each other is that the process can become more of a comparison, where by introducing the third side to the structure it will add another dimension to the inquiry and a sturdier and more robust frame.

A comment was made by Amy to also think how there are different types of triangle. Isosceles, right angled, equilateral and whilst all have a similar construct, the length of the sides are slightly different, resembling that the elements of the data could all be in different forms, styles, sizes but still contribute to making a solid understanding. This is very much something I am thinking about over the coming weeks.

We also discussed the glossary within the Module Three handbook - a list of research language that we were able to discuss meaning to, building our knowledge further on the different elements to the inquiry process and also confirming and reinforcing not only the definition of these words, but also what they meant to us both within our inquiry and also next to our professional practice.

I am very interested to hear others thoughts following the discussion and also where others are within their study....

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  1. Thank you for sharing. I can't make many on the Module 3 Skype calls as I work on Tuesday evenings, so am very keen to learn from others blogs. I am diving into my literiture review at the moment as well as keeping a journel for reflection. I'm finding it really intresting to see how my thoughts are changing and deepening the more i read into my literiture. Charlie S x

  2. Hi! Im the same as Charlie, I teach till late on Tuesday evenings but this blog post has really helped me to have a greater understanding of triangulation, Thankyou! Millie x


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