Me As The Artefact

This evening I was part of a twilight skype discussion which was open to all Modules on the BAPP Programme. The conversation was extremely informative and I really enjoyed listening to others opinions on specific topics in relation to where they were within the programme.

For me, the thing that resonated the most within the talk was discussion over the artefact. Within Module Three I am challenging myself and developing thoughts within with my literature review, interview process and collection of data and am very much following my gantt chart created within Module Two to ensure that I am following some structure whilst allowing myself to dig deep into the topic.

In contrast. I have been a little stuck with the artefact element of Module Three. For Module One I created an artefact that was a three dimensional model which aimed to symbolise a constellation of stars and featured all the elements of my practice linking together with images, writing crafts to show the connections.

During the tonight's Skype call a comment was made around the concept that 'I am my artefact'. This concept really inspired me and is a thought that I had a few weeks ago. I pondered over the fact that the inquiry process has come from me and my experiences. My ideas have developed through my own discussion and surroundings. As I am also a 'thing', it began to make sense that using myself as the artefact would allow a clear representation of the journey that I have taken.

It felt reassuring to hear that another person had a similar thought as I was lacking confidence in this concept, though hearing someone explain and discuss the same idea and allowed me to hear it properly. A concept which I now hope to develop further.

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  1. I have been thinking the same thing and wasn't confident that anyone would want to see me dancing around at 35 and slightly over weight and then Adesola reminded me that my body shows my practice history and experiances and that there is something to see in my performing. So coupled with that thought and last nights positive comments of making yourself the artefact, it is now something I am planning. x


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