I have spent the past few days looking at the MORE Form within the portal on My UniHub. It was suggested by Adesola on a recent Skype call that it was worth having a read over it all soon as our form is due in with our draft submission of work in just over a week.

I am extrememly grateful that this was highlighted in the call as I have spent a number of hours reading over the various questions and it is something that has really challenged my ethics and views within the inquiry proposal and construction.

I strongly recommend that anybody who is in Module Two who have not had a chance to look at it has a look at it. It may be that others a much further ahead in their thoughts and rationale, but for me it really made me look at the ethcial considerations element of my inquiry and almost put all the literature that I have gathered and brainstorming I have done over my topic of 'Gender' and begin to look more at literature into 'An inquiry'.

Gathering thoughts and understanding from literature that is focused on research and how we can gather and construct from their previous experience and findings.

Adesola previously described our Module Two work as planning a holiday. I feel that I am in a good place with planning my holiday and highlighting the specific roads I would like to take, ensuring that I am not looking for specific landmarks or heading to certain destinations.

But now I feel I need to focus the ethical considerations to my holiday and planning the process of it all, questions such as 'do I have travel insurance?', 'have I got enough sun cream?' and 'have I packed appropriate clothes for the culture of destination I am travelling to?'

Questions that the MORE Form have made me think further about.

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