
A few days ago I was part of a Skype call which was open to all Modules and led by Helen Kindred. We covered a large variety of topics which were brought up by people over both Module Two and Module Three, discussing artefacts, MORE forms, timetabling/gantt charts and critical reflection. The call was extremely informative and it was great to be able to put thoughts and questions forward that I wanted to hear from Module Three participants.

Helen asked us to blog with a specific though process, taking away the 'things' itself that we were discussing and looking more into the process and benefits of creating that 'thing' had on gaining a further understanding of both our research inquiry and development within the programme itself.

After thinking about this further, it has allowed me to concentrate on 'why' we are completing the elements that have been set within the handbooks. In a more holistic view, I believe this thought process is extremely relevant to our overall intentions and meaning of creating and executing an inquiry. Why am I looking into gender equality? What is it I want to gain from the process? These questions on the process vital in to continue to ask throughout the process of the programme.

Why am I creating a gantt chart? - For me the answer to this is to have a visible guide that I can follow and refer back to when working on the timetabling and execution of my inquiry.
Why are we creating an artefact? - I believe this is to articulate our thoughts and findings in a different format, hopefully communicating to those who are in our professional practice an artefact that they can recognise and relate to.
What are the benefits of the MORE form? - Completing the form really allowed me to challenge the ethical considerations I have taken into questioned within my inquiry.

This also made me look further into why I am completing the BAPP ACI programme itself. I applied for the course as I wanted to gain a stronger understanding of my professional practice and challenge my thoughts and how I can integrate everything that I have learnt over my life so far into guiding and teaching people for the future. Taking my thoughts back to this aim continuously throughout the programme during my execution of the 'things' will hopefully benefit my understanding further as to 'why' I am completing these.

Image source: https://workthedream.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/why.jpg


  1. Hi Andrew,
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this Skype session. I really enjoyed reading your why's and it made me think about all the little and big reasons why I am doing my research and literary review and why I am choosing particular books to focus on. I look forward to following your journey further. Best wishes, Liza


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