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Last nights Skype conversation led by Helen Kindred opened discussion into Artefacts and the role that these play in communicating an idea that uses the voice of our professional practice. It was great to discuss thoughts with each other and to hear where people where within their study over all three modules. I took away from the conversation the idea of honesty and how this is an important element to show and discuss within my work, but for me particularly within my artefact which I am currently looking at. I can sense a desire for everything to 'go perfectly' within my inquiry process, sticking to the Gant chart that I made in Module Two and showing that everything went according to plan as that what a successful inquiry looks like to me. It is now that I see that I realise and have to remind myself that there is not a 'perfect' and that the journey the inquiry takes is an essential part of the learning process within my work. This brings me back to my thought o...

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My visit to MDX University - Part Two: Queering The Somatic

My visit to MDX University - Part One: Hendon Campus

Where I Stand

Me As The Artefact

Eyes Wide Open

Stage Two


The Journey

Stage One