It goes on and on and on and on

During my first 1:1 Skype discussion with Adesola we discussed the study plan I completed with regards to the BAPP ACI programme. One of the questions on this study plan asked if I knew anyone who was currently on the programme or had previously completed the programme. My answer to this was yes; A friend who I had trained with ten years ago went on to complete the programme immediately after we graduated in 2007. As she and I are still in contact, Adesola explained that she felt this would be a great topic to blog on and discuss.

I recently saw this friend as we shared the experience of being joint best man/woman on a mutual friend's wedding day, allowing us to spend more time together with planning and preparation of the big day. I asked my friend about her experiences of the course and what she had learnt from the processes and journey.

Through discussion, the set up of the course has not changed drastically as she explained her execution in the blogs and the various modules, and she recognised names of our course leaders and specific tasks set out within the modules. We exchanged discussion on the distance learning aspect of the course and how this motivated us, the importance of time management and discipline, and how we both shared the understanding of how the course challenged us to peel away at our practice.

My friend explained that she had continued after the BAPP programme to complete a PGCE and is currently working as a Drama Teacher at a Grammar School. She also explained that she is currently working alongside colleagues from varying backgrounds and she is surrounded by a diverse range of knowledge and understanding from her peers. She claimed this as one of the best parts of the establishment that she works in and that her peers encourage her to approach her work and teaching from a broadened perspective and ensure that she is communicating and sharing her thoughts and ideas with her colleagues; an element inspired by her process and journey on the BAPP programme.

This inspired me to think about the different time as to when we both enrolled on the BAPP programme following our training in Musical Theatre and what inspirations we face at different points. Why was my friend driven to study the BAPP programme immediately after college? Why was I inspired to do it ten years later? Are there specific triggers within our life that compel us to complete specific things? 

Through conversation, we discussed further how we believe that progression and learning continues on throughout or life times, and though we enrol and complete courses and programmes that inspire our learning and focus on specific elements of what we do and how we execute it, all of our experiences continue with us onto all areas of our professional practice and the transdisciplinary of learning encourages to gain a holistic approach to all that we do. The processes of reflection and analysis we are learning through the BAPP ACI programme are not just a skill that we use for the duration of the course, but something that goes on and on and on and on.


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