More Than Just A Title...

Today we discussed a variety of topics with a module one focus during a Skype session with Adesola; I entered the discussion with the intention of widening my understanding of reflecting on my own practice and hearing others approach to the same task.

We discussed how you peel your practice away from your job. This resonated with me and got me thinking during the session with regards to titles and how I use my job title to describe myself within my job, where I could learn and expand a lot more within my practice if I described more about my process focusing on my values. We then discussed the three lenses that are stated in the module handbook (Reflection, Communication & Networks), and how these can be used to further understand our practice.

This topic made me think about how we write a CV for work applications, and how a more informative CV will include description of the processes, roles, responsibilities and experiences you have had as an individual, rather than submitting a list of titles to explains all these things. Describing my professional practice is exactly the same and explaining it in more depth will allow for further questioning and growth.

We discussed the way that people learn and how this can differ from person to person and at different times within one's career. I myself have noticed a massive shift in the way I digest my own learning and the subjects that I have been working on, whether it be through additional courses I have taken within education, learning from colleagues and peers on the jobs that I have been doing or from the students that I have worked with. This is particularly evident within my transition from being a performer in professional productions to now working with students on a Musical Theatre Course where I feel I am developing and honing in a variety of pre existing knowledge and skills along with new understanding to help them in their development and understanding.

Both these focus points have inspired me in my approach to the Module One work and I felt motivated to approach my execution of the module work in a different way than I had originally planned, working with the 'diagram' and essay element of the module side by side with the hope that one will motivate thoughts with the other and inspire difference in discussion and gain a different and more even understanding of my practice.

Dare I say, but I feel I have found the energetic beginning spoken about earlier in my blog through today's Skype session, and through discussion with others, have found a breakthrough in understanding a stronger way of reflecting on my own practice in further depth through process.


  1. I really enjoyed reading this blog - I unfortunately was unable to attend the Skype session but reading through some of the points you have made has really helped with my understanding of what was discussed, thank you!

    Great that you have found your energetic beginning!

  2. Hi Andrew
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I too was unable to attend this session, and you reflection has really enabled me to take a step back and analyse this topic whilst translating it into my own practice


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