Looking Through A Lens

When working through the handbook in relation to reviewing and establishing my professional practice for module one, my focus on the three lenses discussed have given me the opportunity to delve deeper into my practice and how to contextualise it.

1. Communication (including Web 2.0) - 
Discussion of communication within my professional practice has uncovered a vast variety of Web 2.0 based platforms that I use and assist me including YouTube, WhatsApp & Twitter, and has highlighted the different relationships and networks that I use these with - communication between my students, my colleagues and sharing of visual and audio resources within my classes, and how effective these methods of communication are in developing ideas and critical thinking.

2. Reflection & Ethical Consideration - 
My practice involves a large amount CPD and reflection of teaching delivery and through looking at this specific lens I have thought further about Robert Kottkamp's 'online and offline' reflection theory and how I consciously or even subconsciously use this within my practice. Ethical considerations I encounter have been explored with specific discussion into the difference in participation over varieties of genders within arts and the ratios that I currently work with, and how this impacts training in performing arts. Thought and consideration of the effects on people's mental health trough the demands of the industry and training has been highlighted and how to appropriately deal with these situations.

3. Networks & Community - 
Looking further into experiential learning and Martha Graham's quote on how mental concept and physical actions can allow us to learn, including involvement of processes such as rehearsals for college shows and performance opportunities. The meaning behind the blogs that we create towards this programme and how it allows us to create a community, and how the theatre community manifests itself in areas of the world and shares its thoughts and ideas through performance, workshop and even Web 2.0 platforms which gather strength.

My thoughts and reflection through these lenses and the theories discussed through this programme on how we view our professional practice have made me think further about my own delivery of teaching to my students, reviewing the way that I convey ideas and information, and inspire people to think about their own learning and practice in through a similar way.

KOTTKAMP, R. B. 1990. Means for facilitating reflection Education and Urban Society, 22, 182 - 203.
GRAHAM, M. 1991. Blood memory, New York, Doubleday.


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