Past, Present, Future

Tuesday's twilight Skype session involved a variety of learners concentrating on different modules within the programme. This allowed for an open discussion and for people to share thoughts from different stages and outlooks that gave inspiration and outlook to the work that everyone was doing.

I entered the session with specific interest to hear peoples view on how they approached their choices on areas of learning within their professional practice, as this was an element of the essay for my module one submission that I had thoughts and ideas on but did not feel comfortable with the choices that I had made.

I feel my professional practice has progressed and developed over years and progressed into new realms and gaining better knowledge whilst using previous focuses to help establish a better understanding of the direction I am heading and incorporate what I have learnt to better myself.

Tuesday's session focused on the approach of how to chose our areas of learning. Suggestions were made that it may be an idea to look at a 'past, present and future' format for our AOLs. This is an approach that I have since explored further and has opened up a brand new area of my professional practice that I have gained significant learning through. The three words stimulate reflection with me due to the nature of the words and how I connect with them, and have allowed me to explore specific points within the timeline of my practice and solidify where key chapters have been turned within the work that I do.

This has made me work towards exploring further into the below areas of learning within my professional practice;
  • Past - Performance and experiences that I gained from working as a professional performer in musical theatre
  • Present - Teaching and the development and understanding I have made working with students to help develop their own skills
  • Future - Owning a performing arts part time school and gaining better understanding of management and business
This idea came from Matt Shephard who is currently working in Module 3, and from reading his blog he has suggested some literature by John Dewey entitled 'How We Think' which I have been able to look into and am continuing to read to understand more about developing my thoughts. 


  1. It was great to all connect on Tuesday. I will be definitely be checking into Matt's Blog and look forward to seeing how your thoughts on your AOL's develop.


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